 -  Endet 
Ende der Periode 
Beginn der Periode 
Ingrid Vesterlund 

I will see the repit of the semifinal quartet mixed.

Maria Andersson 

Vill se detta, men det funkar inte.

Louise Godden 

The replay is still not working. Hoping that someone fixes the session!

mona nilsson 

Mee too

Ann McAlexander 

Is there an issue with this session? I'd hope to be able to see the replay by now. Thanks!

Helena Hjertén 

When can I watch this on replay?

Marie-Louise Levin 

Jag missade vilka gick vidare?

Catharina Neidenmark 

Thank you both for at splendid afternoon and night! You did great <3<3

Marcela Hanova 

You look great, No Timers!

Catharina Neidenmark 

Go No Timers!! My husband and I can thank you for 32 years of marriage! We met in Prag 1981

Marcela Hanova 

Czech Republic is watching!

Michael Weigl 

I heard from Czech Republic?

Jarmila Hánová 

Bravo No Timers ❤

Stacy Hugman 

Great tag Game On! 👏❤️

Alison Soutar 


Juliane Otterbach 

That was fantastic🥰 🤩😍

Nelleke Dorrestijn 

Wow SomeSing!

Silke Ostendarp 

That was so beautiful!!!

Wolfgang Loth 


Debi Cox 

Catharina : 4GAMI are from SABS, Spain

Nina Harris 

Just came home from work - hello hello Europeans! ;)))

Stacy Hugman 

Thanks Michael!

Barbershop Musicuk 

Evening all, are we running late?!

Michael Weigl 

@Stacy, SomeSing is next after break

Stacy Hugman 

Hi All! I just signed up. Who's up next? :)

Catharina Neidenmark 

Varifrån kommer 4GAMI? Missade det!

Wolfgang Loth 

Awesome 🥰🥰🥰

Michael Weigl 

Pero hola! <3

Alison Soutar 


Wolfgang Loth 

Awesome ❤️🥰🥰🥰

Veronica Fatemi 

Absolutely fab contest so far - Claudia Brooks

Wolfgang Loth 


Wolfgang Loth 

WOW 👏👏👏🥰

Trine Bæk Højgaard 

<3 <3 <3

Catharina Neidenmark 

Hejja Göran!! <3 Bra jobbat alla fyra!

Nelleke Dorrestijn 

That was a great experience Michael!! ;0)

Michael Weigl 

Hi Nelleke, I like to remind myself of Harrogate/UK some years ago, when we sang a birthday song with Herrenbesuch for you :-)

Eric Ideler 

In the app is the description for each chorus and quartet. Very helpful.

Nelleke Dorrestijn 

Tack så mycket!

Nelleke Dorrestijn 

Hej, skulle ni kunna nämna från vilket land resp. kvartetter kommer? Tack!

Carina Melander 

Du borde kolla kopplingarna till din mick Therese, ljudet kommer och går så det verkar vara glapp.

Michael Weigl 

Are we German guys really so crazy .... haha? Great show!

Kari Elisabeth Spæren Sand 

go, go Richard!

Kari Elisabeth Spæren Sand 

Det er flere kvartetter fra Norge som har deltatt i SNOBS convention for mange år siden, men ikke EM så vidt jeg vet.

Michael Weigl 

Now we can hear you :-)

Michael Weigl 

LOUDER, your mic is off!

Kathy Ensink 

Neither can I

Rachel Watney 

Is Tesla's mic on? I can't hear her

Carina Melander 

Jonas hörs jättebra!

Carina Melander 

Du hörs inte Tessla!

Carina Melander 

Har ni börjat? Vi varken ser eller hör något!

Michael Weigl 

May the fourth .... with SomeSing! Break a leg!

Veronica Fatemi 

Typing as Claudia Brooks, Bass section

Veronica Fatemi 

So excited to watch as not able to go with my amazing chorus Amersham A CAPPELLA unfortunately
