SNOBS Quartet Semi Finals Mixed/EURO Quartet Finals Mixed
04. Mai, 10:45 Uhr - 04. Mai, 14:30 UhrWiederholung120 SEKSNOBS Quartet Semi Finals Mixed/EURO Quartet Finals Mixed
1 Pastor Hannes Kör
2 A Great Shoutfit
3 MixQ
4 Stay Tuned
5 In The Ring
6 Risky Business
8 The Hillbillys
9 SomeSing
10 Scandal
11 Copenhagen Leftovers
12 Singoalla
13 Game On!
14 Hashtag Mixed Quartet
15 Stardust
- MW00:32:56
- Pastor Hannes Kör00:41:19
- A Great Shoutfit00:59:41
- MixQ01:08:40
- Stay Tuned01:16:46
- In The Ring01:25:13
- Risky Business01:36:51
- 4GAMI01:46:14
- The Hillbillys01:56:19
- Webcast Studio02:24:32
- SomeSing02:26:25
- Scandal02:38:12
- Singoalla02:47:59
- Game On!02:57:02
- Hashtag Mixed Quartet03:05:53
- Stardust03:14:42
- KARMA03:24:35
- MC: NoTimers03:32:09
- Price ceremony03:50:10
Is there an issue with this session? I'd hope to be able to see the replay by now. Thanks!
Go No Timers!! My husband and I can thank you for 32 years of marriage! We met in Prag 1981
Hi Nelleke, I like to remind myself of Harrogate/UK some years ago, when we sang a birthday song with Herrenbesuch for you :-)
Du borde kolla kopplingarna till din mick Therese, ljudet kommer och går så det verkar vara glapp.
Det er flere kvartetter fra Norge som har deltatt i SNOBS convention for mange år siden, men ikke EM så vidt jeg vet.